Monday, December 5, 2011

Busy Days.....

Yesterday at church we had a bit of a check-in as to how our year long experiment for Christ project is going.  I am amazed at what we've accomplished, started by a small group of our ladies and expanded to those who want to participate.  I hope no one has felt any pressure to do anything -- we should never pressure each other in the name of God.  For me personally, this "project" has come close to my heart in that I believe I'm listening more to the Holy Spirit in my heart and acting on such.  If that hasn't been your experience, please don't think I find ANY fault in you!

With regards to the daily Bible reading, I'm a bit ahead right now.  Over the next couple weeks my schedule has been filled up with even more driving.  That said, I'm at the part where we start to read the remainder of the Psalms, which is for me a real blessing in that they remind me to praise God in all that happens in my life as well as providing comfort when life gets a bit to hectic.  If you're behind or haven't even started, the Bible is ALWAYS there.  My cell phone blew up (well, not quite that bad!) last week and I took the opportunity to upgrade to a really fancy phone (my birthday is in March and I have now received my gifts for the next few years!).  I downloaded a Bible app onto it.  I'm really excited by this as not only does it include many different translations (I'm curious about the translations and use them to help me when wording confuses me) BUT there are also several reading programs accessible so that I can commit to reading again next year using a slightly different program if I choose.

In any event, wherever you are in your journey is not my business.  Just be confident in God's love and let him guide you.

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